Job Lane House

Herb Garden

"The Job Lane House"
an original watercolor 
by Anne MacRae MacLeod
The Job Lane House 
will next be open on 
September 9 & 23, 2001.

Come pay us a visit!

The Deacon Job Lane House is a memorial to the character of the American Colonists of Bedford, Massachusetts. Built around 1715 on land which was part of an original land grant from King Charles II in the seventeenth century, this salt box-style house was enlarged and the interior remodeled in the Federal style around 1827 and lived in continuously until the 1960's. 

The house was purchased by the Town of Bedford in the early 1970s, and was restored by members of various town groups: The Rotary Club, the Bedford Minuteman Company, the Woman's Club, the Bedford Historical Society, Friends of Job Lane House, Inc., the Brown Family of Bedford, and the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. The house was opened to the public in 1981 and is now opened to visitors on the second and fourth Sunday of each month, May through October.